Perfection, Virtue and Theophany in De Vita Moysis by Gregory of Nisa


  • Jacob Buganza Torio Instituto de Filosofía, Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico.


Gregory of Nyssa, moral virtue, good, perfection, theophany, loneliness


This work recovers the central argument of Saint Gregory of Nyssa´s De vita Moysis from the perspective of moral philosophy. First of all, the article links the concepts of moral virtue, perfection and good from a platonic-christian metaphysical vision. Secondly, the author relates the previous metaphysical concepts with the philosophical anthropology of the cappadocian theologian in order to link, finally, with two of the theophanies of Moses and his paradigmatic character.

Author Biography

Jacob Buganza Torio, Instituto de Filosofía, Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico.

He is a full-time professor-researcher assigned to the Institute of Philosophy of the Universidad Veracruzana. There he has served as coordinator of the master's degree and doctorate in Philosophy. He is a member of the National System of Researchers of Mexico, level II, and vice director of the journals Rivista Rosminiana di Filosofia e di Cultura and The Rosmini Society. Among his publications are: Augustinian Neoplatonism and Moral Virtue, The Horizon of the Metaphysics of Pseudo Dionysius Areopagite and Metaphysics and Ethics in Middle Platonism



How to Cite

Buganza Torio, J. (2023). Perfection, Virtue and Theophany in De Vita Moysis by Gregory of Nisa . Intersticios. Filosofía, Arte, Religión, 27(59), 14–36. Retrieved from