Sacred spaces: Shrines, Chaples, Temples. In the Province of Chimborazo, Ecuador


  • Luis Fernando Botero Villegas Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador


Sacred space, hierophany, rites, community


The article brings us closer to the reality of sacred spaces to the extent that an irruption of the sacred has taken place in them, a hierophany. It is necessary to go frequently to those places to keep a relationship with the deities manifested there alive and effective so that, in the same way, the benefits redound to the good of the community; but, likewise, they are places that, from profane, have become sacred through a process of sacralization based on rites that separate that special place from others that do not contain the virtues needed to obtain the “graces” of the divinities for agricultural or livestock reproduction necessary for life. These imaginary conditions of reproduction are cyclically renewed in these spaces through different activities, all of them religious: festivals, pilgrimages, prayers.

Author Biography

Luis Fernando Botero Villegas, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador

Tiene estudios de Antropología en la Universidad de Antioquia, así como la licenciatura en Ciencias Humanas y Religiosas con especialidad en Antropología Aplicada, por la Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, en Ecuador. Es maestro en Antropología y doctor en Antropología Social por el Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (Ciesas). De 1999 al 2000, tuvo una estancia de posdoctorado, también por Ciesas. Es docente, investigador y asesor de proyectos educativos y culturales en la Diócesis de Riobamba, Ecuador



How to Cite

Botero Villegas, L. F. (2023). Sacred spaces: Shrines, Chaples, Temples. In the Province of Chimborazo, Ecuador . Intersticios. Filosofía, Arte, Religión, 27(59), 240–263. Retrieved from